Integrate with existing remote access tool (RustDesk)

Written By Mikel from Gorelo

Last updated 3 months ago

You can integrate Gorelo with any remote access tool that supports launching via a URL E.g RustDesk, Splashtop, AnyDesk, TeamViewer.

In this example, we'll use RustDesk. It is strongly recommended to host your own RustDesk server and modify the initial install script to support this.

Step 1: Create the custom asset fields

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Assets -> Custom Fields

  2. Add custom field with the following details

    • Name: RustDesk ID

    • Variable: rustdeskID

  3. Add custom field with the following details

    • Name: RustDesk Password

    • Variable: rustdeskPassword

Step 2: Create the installer file

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Asset -> Files

  2. Add a File with the following details:

    • File: Upload the latest RustDesk MSI installer

    • Variable: rustdesk

Step 3: Create the scripts

  1. Navigate to Scripts

  2. Create a script with the following details:

    • Name: Install Rustdesk

    • Content:

#Install Rusdesk msiexec /i $gorelo:file.rustdesk /qn /norestart CREATESTARTMENUSHORTCUTS="N" CREATEDESKTOPSHORTCUTS="N" /l*v install.log
  1. Create a script with the following details:

    • Name: Write Rusdesk ID and Password

    • Content:

$RustDeskPath = "$env:ProgramFiles\RustDesk\RustDesk.exe" # Get Rustdesk ID using the executable $RustdeskID = cmd /c "`"$RustDeskPath`" --get-id" if ($RustdeskID) { # Write ID to Gorelo custom field GoreloAction -SetCustomField -Name 'asset.rustdeskID' -Value $RustdeskID Write-Output "Rustdesk ID: $RustdeskID written to Gorelo" # Generate random 16 character password $Password = -join ((65..90) + (97..122) + (48..57) | Get-Random -Count 16 | ForEach-Object {[char]$_}) # Set the password in Rustdesk cmd /c "`"$RustDeskPath`" --password $Password" # Write password to Gorelo custom field GoreloAction -SetCustomField -Name 'asset.rustdeskPassword' -Value $Password Write-Output "Rustdesk password set and saved to Gorelo" exit 0 } else { Write-Output "Failed to get Rustdesk ID" exit 1 }

Step 4: Deploy the scripts via a policy

  1. Navigate to Policies

  2. Edit an existing policy that covers the assets you want to install and connect to via RustDesk

  3. Add a continuous Service check for RustDesk Service. Add the ‘Install Rustdesk‘ script as a remediation step

  4. Add the 'Write Rusdesk ID and Password' script and set to repeat daily at your preferred time

  5. Save and Distribute the policy

Step 5: Create the Shortcut

  1. Navigate to Asset Shortcuts

  2. Add a new Shortcut with the following details:

    • Name: RustDesk

    • URL: rustdesk://{{$gorelo:asset.rustdeskID}}?password={{$gorelo:asset.rustdeskPassword}}

    • Pinned Name: RustDesk

You should now see the the RustDesk shortcut up the top-right corner of the Asset Detail page. If the script successfully populated the custom fields, then this shortcut will launch the RustDesk application.