Views and Client Focus

Written By Mikel from Gorelo

Last updated 4 months ago

Views are used to filter your data on each list E.g Tickets, Assets, Alerts. You can filter your data in many ways and then save this as a View. These Views can also be shared globally with your team.

Client Focus is used when you want to filter based on a specific client. The Client Focus works in combination with your selected View. As an example, if you have a View that shows ‘Mine & Unassigned’ tickets, then applying a Client Focus will filter the data to only show ‘Mine & Unsigned’ for that specific client. The Client Focus also persists across all lists.

Creating a View

We’ll use the Alerts list as an example here.

  1. Navigate to the Alerts list

  2. Click ‘Create a view’ at the bottom of the Views pane

  3. Enter the fields to filter the list

    • Name: this is the name that shows in the Views pane (emojis work) E.g 🏹 Huntress

    • Keyword: this will filter by keyword in the Alert name (white text)

    • Clients: leave blank for all clients or choose specific clients

    • Severity: choose one or multiple severity levels

    • Type: choose one or multiple types

    • Ticketed: toggle on to show alerts that have been associated with a ticket

    • Ignored: toggle on to show alerts that have been ignored

  4. Click Save and navigate back to the Views pane


  • The 3-dot menu beside each View can be used to:

    • Edit: make changes to the View

    • Set Default: this is the view that will load automatically for you

    • Set Global: this will share the View to everyone in your organization (only Admins can do this)

    • Hide: this will put the View into the collapsible section called ‘Hidden Views’

    • Delete: this will delete the View

  • Some lists will have toggles up the top-right to quickly make changes E.g show Ticketed/Ignored on the Alerts list

Using the Client Focus

We’ll use the Alerts list as an example here.

  1. Navigate to the Alerts list

  2. Click the Client Focus button in the top-right of the Views pane

  3. Enter the Client name

    Your list will now be filtered by the View AND the Client Focus


  • Client Focus persists across all lists in Gorelo. If you set the Client Focus on alerts and then navigate to Tickets, it will still be there.