Written By Mikel from Gorelo
Last updated 3 months ago
Forms can be used to capture information from end-users — think hardware requests, user lifecycle, client information etc.
Create a form
Navigate to Forms from the menu
Click ‘Create form’ down the bottom-left
Give the form a title (this is what the client will see)
Create a new field block by click the + button or typing ‘/’
Choose ‘Question + Short Answer’
Give the field block a title of ‘First Name’
Click the ‘required’ toggle to make this field mandatory
Click ‘Save’ up the top-right
Click ‘Preview’ up the top-right to see what the form will look like
Click ‘Go Back’ up the top-right to navigate back to the Form editor and continue with additional fields
Use a form
Generate a form link
Navigate to Forms from the menu
Select the form on the left
Click the ‘Submission Link’ button up the top-right to copy the link
Form links are one-time use and will expire after 7-days
This form will generate a new ticket based on the Form Settings
Generate a form link from an existing ticket
Create or navigate to an existing ticket
Click ‘public comment’ in the comment box
Type ‘Click here’ and highlight the word ‘here’
Click the ‘Generate form link’ button
Click the appropriate form to link
Form links are one-time use and will expire after 7-days
This form will generate a submission on the existing ticket
Submit a form via the Client Portal
Sign in to the client portal
Published forms will appear to the right of ‘Request Support’
View form submissions
Navigate to Forms from the menu
Select the form on the left
Submissions will appear in the table on the right (under the Submissions tab)
Form Settings
To change the internal name of the form:
Navigate to Forms from the menu
Select the form on the left
Click the edit icon to the right of the existing form name
Change the name and click ‘Update’
To change the internal description of the form:
Navigate to Forms from the menu
Select the form on the left
Click the edit icon to the right of the description field
Add/change the description and click the save icon
One or more Groups can be automatically added to a ticket created via a form. You can also choose to notify those groups on ticket creation.
Navigate to Forms from the menu
Select the form on the left
Select the ‘Settings’ tab
Select the Group(s) you’d like to automatically apply via the dropdown
Toggle on ‘Notify group’ to generate a notification to those group members when a ticket is created via this form
Click ‘Save changes’ at the bottom
One or more Tags can be automatically added to a ticket created via a form.
Navigate to Forms from the menu
Select the form on the left
Select the ‘Settings’ tab
Select the Tags(s) you’d like to automatically apply via the dropdown
Click ‘Save changes’ at the bottom
Forms can be set so only certain Clients have access to them. This is a great way to reduce clutter when generating a form link from an existing ticket.
Navigate to Forms from the menu
Select the form on the left
Select the ‘Settings’ tab
Select the Tags(s) you’d like to automatically apply via the dropdown
Click ‘Save changes’ at the bottom
Allow in Portal
Forms can be published to the Client Portal for self-serve. If a Client is specified, then it will only be published to their portal. If no client is specified, then it will be published to the portal for ALL Clients.
Navigate to Forms from the menu
Select the form on the left
Select the ‘Settings’ tab
Toggle on ‘Allow in portal’ to publish this form to the client portal (for the specified clients)