Install the Gorelo Agent

Written By Mikel from Gorelo

Last updated 3 months ago

The Gorelo agent can be installed via a PowerShell command (recommended) or via a manual executable. If using a client specific installer, it will automatically associate with the specified client/location. If using the generic installer, it will be ready for adoption.

We only support Operating Systems that are currently supported by the vendor themselves (Microsoft/Apple).

Install the generic agent via PowerShell

  1. Navigate to the Assets List in the main menu

  2. Hover over the β€˜+Assets’ button in the top-right and click β€˜Agent Asset’

  3. Click β€˜Request Agent’ in the popup

  4. Copy the PowerShell command, paste into PowerShell on the target computer and press Enter

  5. Click the β€˜Adopt’ button in the Client/Location column once the agent asset appears in the asset list (this can take a few minutes to appear based on internet bandwidth)

  6. Select the correct Client/Location and click β€˜Save’ to Adopt

For troubleshooting, see the β€˜Gorelo agent won’t install’ article