Splashtop, AnyDesk, TeamViewer etc.
Written By Mikel from Gorelo
Last updated About 2 months ago
You can integrate Gorelo with any remote access tool that supports launching via a URL E.g Splashtop, AnyDesk, TeamViewer.
In this example, we'll use Splashtop Business.
Step 1: Create the custom asset field
Navigate to Settings -> Assets -> Custom Fields
Add custom field with the following details
Name: Splashtop SUUID
Variable: splashtopSUUID

Step 2: Create the script
Navigate to Scripts
Create a script with the following details:
Name: ๐๏ธStore-SplashtopSUUID
Example# Define registry path for 64-bit machines
$regPath64 = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Splashtop Inc.\Splashtop Remote Server"
# Define the value name for the SUUID
$regValue = "SUUID"
# Try to retrieve the SUUID from the 64-bit registry
if (Test-Path $regPath64) {
try {
$suuid = Get-ItemProperty -Path $regPath64 -Name $regValue -ErrorAction Stop
# Check if the SUUID value is present
if ($suuid.$regValue) {
$suuidValue = $suuid.$regValue
Write-Output "Splashtop SUUID: $suuidValue"
# Write the SUUID to the Gorelo custom field
GoreloAction -SetCustomField -Name 'asset.splashtopSUUID' -Value $suuidValue
} else {
Write-Output "SUUID not found in the registry."
} catch {
Write-Output "Error retrieving SUUID from the registry: $_"
} else {
Write-Output "Splashtop registry not found."
Step 3: Deploy the script via a policy
Navigate to Policies
Edit an existing policy that covers the assets you want to store the Splashtop SUUID for
Add the '๐๏ธStore-SplashtopSUUID' script and set to repeat daily at your preferred time
Save and Distribute the policy
Step 4: Create the Shortcut
Navigate to Asset Shortcuts
Add a new Shortcut with the following details:
Name: Splashtop
URL: st-business://com.splashtop.business?account=&uuid={{$gorelo:asset.splashtopSUUID}}&sessiontype=remote
Pinned Name: Splashtop

You should now see the the SPLASHTOP shortcut up the top-right corner of the Asset Detail page. If the script successfully populated the $gorelo:asset.splashtopSUUID variable then this shortcut will launch the Splashtop Business application.

This does not install Splashtop -- another script would need to be used for that E.g
Example# Installs Splashtop Streamer using the installer MSI uploaded to $gorelo:file.splashtopInstaller
# Runs a silent install using the 12-digit deployment key at $gorelo:client.splashtopKey
#Check for presence of SplashtopKey
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($gorelo:client.splashtopKey)) {
Write-Output "No SplashTop Key stored for this client. Automatic installation cancelled."
GoreloAction -Alert -Severity 3 -Name "No Splashtop Key stored for this client" -Description "No Splashtop Key is stored in the client custom field so the automatic installation has been cancelled" -Suppress 0
} else {
Write-Output "Splashtop Key Found: " $gorelo:client.splashtopKey
Write-Output "Installer Path: " $gorelo:file.splashtopInstaller
#Install Splashtop
msiexec /i $gorelo:file.splashtopInstaller USERINFO="dcode=$gorelo:client.splashtopKey,hidewindow=1,confirm_d=0" /qn /norestart