Approve and Invoice

Written By Mikel from Gorelo

Last updated 4 months ago

The Approve and Invoice section is used to do exactly that — Approve time entries (and products) and then invoice for them if necessary.

Approve time entries and products

  1. Navigate to Approve and Invoice

  2. You will land on the ‘Waiting to Approve’ tab and will see everything that requires approval before flowing through to the contract or onto an invoice.

  3. Edit the time entry or product and then click Approve when you’re happy with everything on the ticket


  • The Contract column will show (N/A) if it’s not associated with a contract and is just using default labour rates

  • The Work Type will show in red if the time entry is outside of your configured Business Hours

  • You can partially bill for time and products on Unclosed tickets by toggling on ‘Show Unclosed’ up the top-right of the Waiting to Approve screen.

Invoice time entries and products

  1. Navigate to Approve and Invoice

  2. Click on the ‘Waiting to Invoice’ tab. You will see everything that has been approved and is waiting to be added to an invoice.

  3. You can select individual tickets or all tickets for a client

  4. And then use the split dropdown in the top-right to:

    • Generate Invoice: this will create a new invoice with the selected ticket time/products

    • Add to Invoice: this will allow you to select an existing invoice and add the selected ticket time/products

    • Write off: this will write off the ticket time/products and no invoice will be generated.

  5. Select Generate Invoice, fill in the details and click Save to generate a Draft invoice
    OR toggle Approve and Send if you’d like to create an approved invoice and send to the selected contact