
Written By Mikel from Gorelo

Last updated 3 months ago

Gorelo can check internet connections via ICMP and websites via HTTP to alert you when they’re offline.

Create an Uptime check

  1. Navigate to Uptime from the main menu

  2. Click ‘+Uptime’ up the top-right

  3. Fill each required field:

    • Type: pick from ICMP (ping), HTTP or TCP

    • IP/URL: specify the IP or URL you want to check

    • Client and Location: associate the check with a Client and Location

    • Description: give the check a description (optional)

    • Check Frequency: how often the check will run (in minutes)

    • Rechecks: how many times the recheck will run after initial failure but before it alerts (every 15 seconds)

    • Region: where the check will come from — Seattle, Sydney, UK, Frankfurt

    • ISP Connection Link: an external URL that works as a quick shortcut from the list and ticket detail (optional)

    • Tags: an easy way to categorise and group checks (optional)

  4. Click ‘Add’ at the bottom

Automatically adopt agent asset via Uptime

Generic agent assets can be automatically adopted based on the WAN IP when they first check in. If this WAN IP is in Gorelo as an Uptime check and ‘Adopt Client Assets’ is toggled on, then we will automatically adopt these assets under the appropriate Client/Location.