Written By Mikel from Gorelo
Last updated 3 months ago
Third Party Conversations are used when you’d like to break out new email conversation thread but keep it on the same ticket for context E.g. contacting LOB application support for a client
This will create a new conversation thread that’s completely separate from the Public thread. The new Third Party Conversation thread will NOT be sent to the To/Cc on the ticket.
Create Third Party Conversation
Create or navigate to an existing ticket
Click the + button in the timeline tab and add a Third Party Conversation
Search from existing contacts or type a name/email
Cc’s can be added via the ‘Add more detail’ dropdown
Public comment thread can be added via the ‘Add more detail’ dropdown
Click ‘Save’
Type your email in the expanded Third Party Conversation comment box and click ‘Post‘ (note the purple tab color)