Checklists and templates
Written By Mikel from Gorelo
Last updated 3 months ago
Checklists can be used to track your work and keep things consistent.
Creating and using checklists
Navigate to a ticket
Click the + button in the timeline tab and add a Checklist
Modify the name (optional) and click Save
You can now add checklist items:
Put your cursor in the Name field and type something E.g Order hardware
Assign someone and set a due date (both optional)
Click the ✔️ button to add (or press Enter if your cursor is still in the Name field)
Use the tick box to complete items (on the far left)
Use the grabby icon to rearrange items (on the far left)
Use Tab to indent items
Type // in the name field to embed items
Toggle ‘Incomplete Only’ to view only incomplete items (top-right)
Toggle ‘Assigned to me’ to view only items assigned to you (top-right)
Creating checklist templates
Create a checklist (as per above) that you would like to save as a template
Click the 💾 button (top-right) to save as a template
Name: this is the name of the checklist template and it can be changed later E.g New Computer Setup
Visibility: this determines who can see and use this template
Public = everyone
Private = only you
Shortcut = only visible via Ticket Shortcuts
Click Save
Using and editing checklist templates
Create or navigate to an existing ticket
Click the + button in the timeline tab and add a Checklist
From the Template dropdown, select the appropriate template
Use the Edit and Delete icons on the right
Checklist templates can be edited in many ways
Name can be changed
Order can be changed
Items can be added/remove
Assignees can be added/removed
Relative due dates can be set E.g 7 days would mean the item is due 7 days after the checklist template was added to the ticket