
Checklists and templates

Written By Mikel from Gorelo

Last updated 3 months ago

Checklists can be used to track your work and keep things consistent.

Creating and using checklists

  1. Navigate to a ticket

  2. Click the + button in the timeline tab and add a Checklist

  3. Modify the name (optional) and click Save

  4. You can now add checklist items:

    • Put your cursor in the Name field and type something E.g Order hardware

    • Assign someone and set a due date (both optional)

    • Click the ✔️ button to add (or press Enter if your cursor is still in the Name field)


  • Use the tick box to complete items (on the far left)

  • Use the grabby icon to rearrange items (on the far left)

  • Use Tab to indent items

  • Type // in the name field to embed items

  • Toggle ‘Incomplete Only’ to view only incomplete items (top-right)

  • Toggle ‘Assigned to me’ to view only items assigned to you (top-right)

Creating checklist templates

  1. Create a checklist (as per above) that you would like to save as a template

  2. Click the 💾 button (top-right) to save as a template

    • Name: this is the name of the checklist template and it can be changed later E.g New Computer Setup

    • Visibility: this determines who can see and use this template

      • Public = everyone

      • Private = only you

      • Shortcut = only visible via Ticket Shortcuts

    • Click Save

Using and editing checklist templates

  1. Create or navigate to an existing ticket

  2. Click the + button in the timeline tab and add a Checklist

  3. From the Template dropdown, select the appropriate template

  4. Use the Edit and Delete icons on the right

  5. Checklist templates can be edited in many ways

    • Name can be changed

    • Order can be changed

    • Items can be added/remove

    • Assignees can be added/removed

    • Relative due dates can be set E.g 7 days would mean the item is due 7 days after the checklist template was added to the ticket