Written By Mikel from Gorelo
Last updated 4 months ago
Notifications are one of the most important features in Gorelo and it’s critical to make use of them properly.
Using notifications
Here’s what notifications look like in a productions setting:

The notification pane can be expanded by using the bell icon in the top-right. This pane can and should be kept open permanently to make sure nothing is missed. If collapsed, the bell icon will show how many new notifications have appeared since you last expanded.
Notification cards are generated per ticket — and subsequent notifications on the same ticket will stack the cards (just like iOS or Android)
The 1st line is the title of the ticket
The 2nd line is the Client name
The 3rd line is the content of the notification E.g private comment, status change, time entry
We deem public comments and @mentions (you or your groups) critical and will surface these as icons if they’re buried in the stack below.
You can dismiss a single notification card by hovering and clicking the X in the top-right OR the entire stack by hovering and clicking ‘Dismiss all’.
Subscribing to notifications
There are currently two types of ticket notifications you can choose to subscribe to or not — newly created tickets and tickets assigned to you.
You can also choose to subscribe to Critical Alerts and receive them as a native iOS/Android notification.
Navigate to your Profile icon up the top-right and then to Settings
Scroll down to Notification Subscription
Toggle on/off where needed.
Larger MSPs will find they have most users toggling off ‘Ticket created’ to reduce noise and leave that to the triage team.